Сообщения об ошибках REST API


Сообщение об ошибке имеет следующий формат

  "error_code" :: integer,
  "error_message" :: string
  "error_details" :: object
  • error_code - Код категории ошибки.

  • error_message - Текст ошибки.

  • error_details - Опциональное поле, добавляется при наличии дополнительных параметров. Например, название поля, код сообщения об ошибке, или установленный таймаут.

Коды категорий (error_code)

Коды error_code могут иметь следующие значения:

  • 1401 - access_denied;

  • 1402 - already_exists;

  • 1403 - not_implemented;

  • 1404 - not_found;

  • 1405 - invalid_request;

  • 1406 - invalid_operation;

  • 1407 - unauthorized;

  • 1408 - not_loaded;

  • 1409 - operation_failed;

  • 1410 - limited;

  • 1411 - license_restriction;

  • 1412 - config_restriction;

  • 1413 - invalid_params;

  • 1414 - timeout;

  • 1501 - internal_error;

  • 1502 - exception;

  • 1503 - throw;

  • 1504 - exit;

  • 1505 - other category;

  • 1506 - unknown category.

Коды сообщений (error_details.msg_code)

Пример 1
  "error_code": 1501,
  "error_message": "pwd contains invalid symbols. Expected: A-Za-z0-9_-.~!",
    "field": "pwd",
    "msg_code": 10006
Пример 2
  "error_code": 1501,
  "error_message": "Wait for 120 sec and try again",
    "timer": 120,
    "msg_code": 10201

Расширенные коды сообщений об ошибке msg_code уникальные коды для конкретных сообщений об ошибке и служат для отображения в веб-приложении текста:

Сообщения общего характера:

  • 10001 - Domain not found.

  • 10002 - User not found.

  • 10003 - Master domain not available.

  • 10004 - Domain not available.

  • 10005 - Internal DC error

  • 10006 - (Some DC external error)

  • 10007 - Internal DMS error

  • 10008 - (Some DMS external error)

  • 10009 - Request is already expired

  • 10010 - Auth failure

  • 10011 - (Some auth external error)

  • 10012 - Access denied

  • 10013 - Invalid domain

  • 10014 - Access denied by configuration.

  • 10015 - Domain request timeout.

  • 10016 - Access denied by IAM (route not found).

  • 10017 - Access denied by IAM (method not allowed).

  • 10018 - Access denied by IAM (role mismatch).

  • 10019 - Access denied by IAM (…​).

  • 10020 - Token auth disabled.

  • 10021 - Token auth failure.

  • 10022 - Session already exists.

  • 10023 - Cookie not set.

  • 10024 - Cookie session has expired.

  • 10025 - Session not found. Required params not found. Expected: 'td', 'login', 'pwd'.

  • 10026 - Session prerequisites must not be overriden by 'td' and 'login' params.

  • 10027 - Unrecognized 'session_type'. Expected 'token', 'token_clone_cookie' or 'cookie'.

  • 10028 - Invalid json in body.

  • 10029 - JSON object expected.

  • 10030 - Too large body. Expected max 524288 bytes.

  • 10031 - Too large json in '…​'. Must be less than 10MB.

  • 10032 - Invalid json in '…​'.

  • 10033 - No response from remote handler node.

  • 10034 - API WS nodes not found or unavailable on remote site(s) handling this domain.

  • 10035 - Prepare response error. See log.

  • 10036 - Access denied to route …​

  • 10037 - Invalid path. Route unavailable.

  • 10038 - Access denied. Only administrator is allowed to perform request.

  • 10099 - (Some other external error)

  • 10101 - Domain is not defined (expected: 'domain').

  • 10102 - Login is not defined (expected: 'login').

  • 10103 - Name is not defined (expected: 'name').

  • 10104 - Email is not defined (expected: 'email').

  • 10105 - Password not defined (expected: 'pwd').

  • 10106 - Current password not defined (expected: 'current_pwd').

  • 10107 - New password not defined (expected: 'new_pwd').

  • 10108 - Key is not defined (expected: 'key').

  • 10109 - UserId is not defined (expected: 'userid').

  • 10201 - Wait for XXX sec and try again.

OAuth 2.0 и OpenId Connect 1.0 аутентификация:

  • 10301 - Invalid OAuth provider.

  • 10302 - Invalid OAuth authentication status.

  • 10303 - OAuth authentication failure.

  • 10304 - Invalid id. OAuth request not exists or expired on enter.

  • 10305 - Invalid id. Request not exists or expired on receiver.

Отправка приглашений пользователям на подключение к системе:

  • 15103 - Invalid id. Invite not exists or expired.

  • 15104 - User email is not defined.

  • 15105 - Operation is not available. Request your administrator to change password or setup email.

Самостоятельная регистрация пользователей:

  • 15201 - Domain doesn’t allow to self register.

  • 15202 - Only unauthorized user allowed to self register.

  • 15203 - Invalid id. Self registration request not exists or expired.

  • 15204 - Operation is not available. Request your administrator to change password or setup email.

Восстановление пароля учетной записи пользователя:

  • 15301 - Operation is not available. Request your administrator to change password or setup email.

  • 15303 - Invalid id. Request not exists or expired.

  • 15306 - Key is not valid email address.

  • 15304 - Email not found. Request your administrator to change password or setup email.

  • 15305 - User’s email is not set. Request your administrator to change password or setup email.

  • 15306 - OAuth 2.0 authentication is used.

Смена пароля учетной записи пользователя:

  • 15401 - Operation is not available. Request your administrator to change password or setup email.

  • 15402 - Old password is wrong.